The International Blackjack League

The best place to enjoy specialised blackjack action and satisfaction is the International Blackjack League. This blackjack portal belongs to the Fortune Lounge, and as a Llanbikefest UK online casino player, you will have access to this incredible place. So go ahead and enjoy the very best odds in betting!

Participating in the blackjack tournaments

  1. First, log in to your Llanbikefest UK casino software, using your account number and password.
  2. Select the My Tournaments button.
  3. From the list, select Blackjack Tournaments.
  4. Simply pick a tournament that strikes your fancy and dig in!

Blackjack tournament types

There are three distinct types of tournaments to enjoy at the International Blackjack League:

  1. Freerolls: these tournaments are free to enter, and you can share in the collective prize pool at the end of the event.
  2. Scheduled: these tournaments start at a specified time. You can choose to participate, then continue with something else; you will be notified, in your casino software, of when the tournament will start.
  3. Sit 'n Go: with a limited number of available seats, these are hot property events! The moment all seats are filled, the event starts, so don't miss out!

To find out more about the game of blackjack, how to play, and what useful strategies, hints and tips can help you get an edge in the game, consult the Llanbikefest UK blackjack page.

Are you a slots game enthusiast? Want more dedicated action from your favourite slots pastime? Try out the International Slots League!