Online UK Casino > Online Baccarat

What is Online Baccarat

Online Baccarat is a game based on luck and chance, where players go against the dealer in order to win. To do so, your card value must equal or be closest to nine. Alternatively, you must always have a card value greater the dealer’s without exceeding nine. Baccarat is one of oldest and most beloved games played in casinos, an intermittent favourite online casino game amongst online players. Llanbikefest Online Casino, one of longest-running online casinos, offers a variety of online baccarat games, including the fast-paced, High Limit Baccarat. Players are also presented with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the game through practice mode. Whether you bet on the banker or player, online Baccarat guarantees some exciting ways to pass the time and make a winning situation of it.

History of Baccarat

Baccarat has evolved over the years, and is now one of the most popular casino games played online. This competitive game, which is readily available on Llanbikefest Online Casino, dates back centuries and has constantly offered thrilling entertainment through its unpredictability and relative complexity. Legendary in its own right, Baccarat was introduced in France around 1479 and was famously known as “Chemin de Fer”. History tells that Baccarat originated in Italy, and the word “Baccarat” simply means “zero”. The game eventually found its way across the rest of the world, and Baccarat became an instant favourite, notably also in Great Britain and the Americas. The game of Baccarat became popular amongst the aristocrats, gentry and nobility, and inherited a reputation for being a game played by high rollers.

Different Type of Baccarat Games

Baccarat offers a wide variety of entertaining versions, with three noteworthy formats to choose from. The most popular format is undoubtedly the French version of Baccarat. This type of Baccarat offers better winning chances that its counterparts. Other versions of Baccarat include American Baccarat, which is also referred to as “double-zero” Baccarat, and has a house edge bigger the other versions. Lastly, players can enjoy this competitive game by playing the European version of Baccarat. The American version uses the Banker as the ‘house’ or casino, where players are able to bet against them. In the French version, or “Chemin de Fer”, the Banker is not the casino but rotates in turns amongst the players. However, the main objective is still to get a card value closest to or equal to nine. To make this game more accessible and familiar, Mini Baccarat was created and offers better payouts with more action.